Custom Video Hosting Solution

Who is Human Synergistics?
Founded in 1971, Human Synergistics has earned an international reputation for innovation in the field of organizational development.
Human Synergistics specializes in measuring and developing organizational cultures, leadership strategies, team synergies, and individual behavioral styles. We do this through more than 35 products and translations, including the world-renowned Organizational Culture Inventory®, Life Styles Inventory™, and Desert Survival Situation™.
All our services are based on comprehensive, evidence-based research and an uncompromising commitment to the highest standards of quality and integrity — whether we’re providing assessments, facilitating team-building simulations, hosting workshops for consultants and coaches, or providing consulting services to support the implementation of our systems and materials.
The Problem
Human Synergestics approached CodeBru to improve their video hosting solution. The client needed a time limited online streaming for their customers.
Also work was done to create an online e-commerce type solution for customers.
The Solution
CodeBru's software engineering team came up with a URL schema for time-limited online streaming via URL. It may seem simple but this was largely created from scratch and optimizing for performance was important.
CodeBru's design and development team worked on creating a new e-commerce shop for the client. It is currently in production.
Preview The Human Synergistic mobile responsive website above.